Friday, March 30, 2012

Stunning Sunrise

I just love the sky in this photo! I was sitting in my living room one morning and all of a sudden the room was bathed in a pink glow. I went outside and there was this beautiful mackeral sky. I just had to take some photos, hope you like them.

I'm sharing with
Wow Us Wednesdays
Pink Saturday
Freestyle Fridays


Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing. I love when the sky puts on a show like that.

Rattlebridge Farm said...

A little glimpse of heaven. Absolutely beautiful!

Kerrie said...

Sunsets are my absolute favorite. I call them "God saying Goodnight" and post many on my site too. Just beautiful! ♥

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living said...

Beautiful sky!

Cottage and Broome said...

Great sky shot! Laura

J.Rylie.C said...

the clouds are beautiful.

My Pink, you might want to link up with my Color Connection meme as well.

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...


Amazing sunsets!


♥ my diary♥ said...

nice post look for to visit more thank you for sharing....blessings

Warm Heart Bears said...

How beautiful. I remember looking at this several times when we lived in New Mexico!

Little Mommy Kim said...
